This summer our Venture Group is undertaking it’s biggest project yet. We are travelling to the Bac Ninh area of North Vietnam to refurbish an orphanage.
The orphanage is the home to children between the ages of six years to sixteen years with hearing disabilities, although there are about forty young infants there at the moment. Our group will be in Vietnam for 18 days, and working in association with the Irish – Vietnamese adoption agency ‘Helping Hands’, we have committed to refurbishing this orphanage. Our scope of works also include the resurfacing of an outdoor play area.
Something that is very important is the fact that our Venture Scouts will also have an opportunity to mix with the local Children and share our wonderful Irish culture with them, while absorbing some Vietnamese culture themselves. In total there are fifteen people traveling with our group, eleven of who are between the ages of 16 – 18, boys & girls, from the groups of Mount Argus, Walkinstown & Leixlip. This will be a wonderful yet very challenging experience for the Venture Scouts, both physically & mentally.
The entire group has been working tirelessly since before Christmas fundraising and trying to the raise the profile of this project. Some of the scouts involved in this project represented Ireland at the World Jamboree last year and have really embraced the idea of service to the community. They are fine ambassadors of Scouting Ireland and indeed Ireland.
Stay tuned for updates on our project...