Shortly after departing we were served lunch which many of us had beenwaiting for after enduring the monotony of the hotel food. Lunchseemed to consist entirely of plates of food that looked back at youbut were none the less delicious, we were given whole crabs and prawnsthe result was reminiscent of a large scale battle packed onto aplate. After making fools of ourselves through a lack of knowledge onthe subject of cracking crabs we went to the top deck to enjoy thescenery (which was totally devoid of dragons). We approached an islandsurrounded by other junks and where we were given a tour of a largecave system that was inconveniently located at a height that seemed tobe on par with the Himalayas, we then headed back to the boat tochange into our swimming gear.
We rented kayaks from the local boat people that apparently neverventure onto land, we made our way around one of the 3600 islands andafter passing through a rock tunnel found ourselves in a cul de sac.From there we had a race back out to which Noel still wont admitdefeat. When we went back to the boat we moved to a location moresuited to swimming and began to jump off the third deck into thelukewarm water we did this until it became too dark to see the water.We were again served a meal of beautiful seafood for dinner(keepingwith tho whole nautical theme I suppose). Karaoke was suggested butnever came to fruition, the more adventurous slept on deck until badweather forced them to retreat below decks.
Gavin McGreer
Shortly after departing we were served lunch which many of us had beenwaiting for after enduring the monotony of the hotel food. Lunchseemed to consist entirely of plates of food that looked back at youbut were none the less delicious, we were given whole crabs and prawnsthe result was reminiscent of a large scale battle packed onto aplate. After making fools of ourselves through a lack of knowledge onthe subject of cracking crabs we went to the top deck to enjoy thescenery (which was totally devoid of dragons). We approached an islandsurrounded by other junks and where we were given a tour of a largecave system that was inconveniently located at a height that seemed tobe on par with the Himalayas, we then headed back to the boat tochange into our swimming gear.
We rented kayaks from the local boat people that apparently neverventure onto land, we made our way around one of the 3600 islands andafter passing through a rock tunnel found ourselves in a cul de sac.From there we had a race back out to which Noel still wont admitdefeat. When we went back to the boat we moved to a location moresuited to swimming and began to jump off the third deck into thelukewarm water we did this until it became too dark to see the water.We were again served a meal of beautiful seafood for dinner(keepingwith tho whole nautical theme I suppose). Karaoke was suggested butnever came to fruition, the more adventurous slept on deck until badweather forced them to retreat below decks.
Gavin McGreer
hi guys,this is our third attempt at posting on the blog(either iam not as pc savvy as i thought or big brother NOEL is controling my posts, delighted to be kept in touch ,through the blog ,your doing great work, and also seem to be enjoying yourselves,all at home are proud of your work,and there is a great intrest when we tell people of what your doing .please tell Dave not to forget to change his underware as often as poss!!!!!!
keep sending the info and pics
Eddie Theresa
Well Done all of you...rhose rooms badly needed painting. WE've just arrived back with our baby. We adopted her in Bac Ninh. Well done each and every one of you. Freeze your bottles of water - you can buy a cool box in the Big C shopping centre very cheap and buy DVD's/games on Hang Gai (Silk street). On the corner, steps up into the shop.Proud of you all....Nicole and baby Chau (who is doing great!)
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